The History of the Nun
Word Count: 267 The History of the Nun by Aphra Behn "I could wish, for the prevention of abundance of Mischiefs [Page 7] and Miseries, that Nunneries and Marriages were not to be enter'd into, 'till the Maid, so destin'd, were of a mature Age to make her own Choice; and that Parents would not make use of their justly assum'd Authority to compel their Children" (Behn, 3). "distributing all she had amongst, and for the Use of, the Poor of the Town, especially to the Poor Widows; exhorting daily, the Young, and the Fair, that came perpetually to visit her, never to break a Vow, for that was first the Ruine of her" (Behn, 35). The first quotation is a sentiment of the narrator stating that she believes guardians of young girls should not decide the fate of their daughters, but rather that their daughters should decide their own fate once they are mature enough. This is what happened to Isabella. While she grows up in the convent, she has time to e...